Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Little Update

Summer is in full effect here in Maryland. It is hot and when it rains, it definitely, definitely pours. The plants are diggin' it though.

So far I've come up with about a dozen healthy yellow squash- all of them delicious. And a couple cucumbers have popped up, too. I have a pretty impressive pumpkin growing on a vine, as well. Now it is about the size of a swollen grapefruit and it is just hanging there, defying gravity. I'll have to get a good pic before it's brought down to Earth.

I've pulled out all but two of my cabbage plants due to the caterpillar and slug infestation. I never did use any pesticide on the plants, though once I drizzled soapy water all over them. That didn't seem to help much. The best thing I have found to do is just to put on some gloves and remove them by hand. It takes time, but afterwards they're gone and I don't have to worry about any chemicals.

And that's what's good in my garden!

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