Problem: Seedlings are outgrowing their original containers, but I'm not ready to put them in the ground yet.
Solution: Repurpose/reuse plastic containers that would otherwise be thrown away or sent to a recycling center to increase the volume of the pots you've got.
I started most of my seeds in egg crates or in these black trays I picked up for free at the Garden Center of the local hardware store. The trays were originally used to hold several plastic plant pots for easy transportation and display. Hardware stores are glad to let you have them for free and they're great for starting seeds in because the bottoms already have slits in them for drainage purposes. However, the trays are shallow and your seedlings will quickly need more room. If you fill the tray to the brim with soil to maximize growing room for plant roots, there will be no lip on the tray to hold in the water as it is absorbed and you end up with a wet mess.
It's an annoying little problem, but one with a quick remedy. Try cutting off the bottom of an ordinary plastic container. For me, an empty tub of cream cheese worked great. Then cut the bottomless container into halves or thirds and fit it into the tray. Transplant your seedling, water, and there you go! The container is three times deeper and holds water.
No more excess water spilling over the side of the tray.
The plant as more room to grow.
You didn't need to buy a new container.
And you've created a little bit less trash.
Happy planting and transplanting.
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