Lots of exciting news to report!
My spinach seeds have germinated! It must have happened in the blink of an eye because I examine these trays constantly and suddenly there they were- 4 little grass-like stalks breaking through the soil.
The lettuce tray has by far the greatest number and most developed seedlings.
This morning I went out to the Home Depot to purchase stakes and twine so I can start preparing my plot. My uncle and I went out and roped off a sunny area next to the fence, the area of which is still being negotiated. Right now it stands at 4 feet x 8 feet. I'm concerned that is much too small, but he says I don't need much room and I can always expand later if I need to. It is still early in the process and there is plenty of room in the yard for the garden to grow if necessary. Tomorrow I plan to clear the grass and check out the soil underneath.
I also picked up two little strawberry plants, which feels a bit like cheating since I didn't plant the seeds myself. Ah well, I'm excited about the prospect of lots and lots of strawberries all the same.
Today I planted some more onion and cucumber as well as new trays of dill, yellow squash and pumpkin seeds.
I made an effort not to plant the seeds to deep in the soil, just barely pressing them down with my finger tips. Hopefully that will help and temperatures won't fall below freezing tonight.
Happy planting!
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